Ooooh. To celebrate the 250th anniversary of the recipe on which Bombay Sapphire gin is based Bombay Sapphire has launched a gorgeous limited edition hand-blown crystal bottle and stopper. Created in partnership with Garrard, the world’s oldest jewellery house, the centre piece of the limited edition bottle is a spectacular crystal stopper designed by Garrard’s Creative Director, Stephen Webster. The crown shaped stopper echoes the image of Queen Victoria on the front of the Bombay Sapphire bottle and is set into a gold crown surrounded by sapphire blue crystals with a prominent blue sapphire crystal in the middle.
Only one limited edition Bombay Sapphire and Garrard crystal decanter-style bottle is available exclusively at Selfridges priced £1,250. The spectacular bottle is also the star of the show at The Bombay Sapphire Chef’s Table at the newly reopened Savoy Grill where Head Chef Andy Cook has created a selection of mouth-watering tasting menus taking inspiration from Bombay Sapphire’s 10 botanical ingredients. Seasonal dishes include Pressed Foie Gras Terrine with Cubeb Berry Seasoning, Quince Jelly & Toasted Brioche, Spiced and Roasted Duck Breast with Smoked Duck Sausage, Red Cabbage and a Juniper Infused Sauce and Cassia Bark Ice Cream, Confit Oranges & Rose Water Sabayon.
Prices start at £85 per person for lunch and £115 per person for dinner.