In celebration of World Gin Day, Bombay Sapphire will open its “Bombay Sapphire Blue Rooms” on 9th June and begin its guest residency at luxury Indian cocktail bar Zenna
Bar, Soho (
Launching on World Gin Day Londoners and visitors alike are welcome to experience the imaginative world of Bombay Sapphire and escape the bustle of central London by retreating to the Zenna Bar throughout the summer until 9th September.
Bombay Sapphire UK Brand Ambassador Sam Carter says: “London is such a busy city and with the dynamic summer ahead, the Bombay Sapphire team wanted to offer everyone a space to escape from it all, even for just one afternoon or evening. The “Bombay Sapphire Blue Rooms” at Zenna Bar is the perfect retreat to pause, reflect and rejuvenate with a refreshing, imaginative cocktail.”
Visitors to the “Bombay Sapphire Blue Rooms” at Zenna Bar can choose from a menu of exclusive cocktails available. These include the Summer Sapphire Sour, a floral flavored cocktail with a a lovely luxurious creamy texture which tickles the senses, the sophisticated Sambra Sapphire, a twist on the classic ‘Bucks Fizz’ and the legendary Bombay Sapphire Aviation.
Partnering with award winning mixologist Dan Thomson, who heads up Zenna Bar, the Bombay Sapphire team also worked with two ‘imagineers’ to bring the “Bombay Sapphire Blue Rooms” at Zenna Bar to life. Designer Ross Hancock, Esquire Magazine’s ‘Best Dressed Man 2010’ and ‘Project Catwalk’ Season 3 Finalist, was brought on board to dress the space and create custom made shirts for the bar staff. Artist Jari Kutasi was commissioned to design an imaginative video collage piece that provides a focal point in the venue.
Throughout the summer, the pop-up bar will also be used as a venue to host UK and international trade media and consumers, with monthly master classes featuring the “Bombay Sapphire Imaginarium and Flavour Experience,” as well as brand inductions and cocktail competitions.
“The “Bombay Sapphire Blue Rooms” at Zenna serve as the spiritual home of Bombay Sapphire and showcase the imaginative quality of the brand in a tangible way. We look forward to welcoming the public this summer – from locals to visitors from afar – and hope that everyone who visits can unwind in the inspired atmosphere we’ve created,” says Emma Johansson, Bombay Sapphire Global Marketing Manager.
Drop by the “Bombay Sapphire Blue Rooms” at Zenna, located at 77 Dean Street, London, W1D 3SH. For information, please visit or