World’s Greatest Places for a G&T No 1

In the endless quest for the perfect G&T we’re focusing on locations. And there can really be no better place than the Galle Face Hotel in Colombo, Sri Lanka, a South Asian landmark. Trust me the Gintime team has double checked. Sitting on the terrace overlooking the Indian Ocean with the lights of Colombo almost but not quite outdoing the stars of the tropical skies, sipping our favourite drink takes on a whole new dimension. Perfectly made in the right proportions one can see that this isn’t just a great drink but also a lifesaver for all those colonial types fighting off malaria bearing mozzies. Also quite cool to think that one of the first recorded exports of the famous gin based Pimms No 1 was to here – oh I think in about 1880. Feel free to keep us posted on other fab places for a G & T. The only rules are: think exotic, think perfect and send pix!

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