Bombay Sapphire and Virgin Atlantic are delighted to introduce the “Red Carpet,” a limited edition cocktail created by Bombay Sapphire World’s Most Imaginative Bartender, Matteo Vanzi that will be featured on the Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse menu. The cocktail was exclusively … Continue reading
Search results: Matteo Vanzi
Bombay Sapphire Crowns World’s Most Imaginative Bartender
Hot off the press comes the news that Matteo Vanzi of Italy is the winner of the Bombay Sapphire World’s Most Imaginative Bartender Competition at the global final in Tuscany, Italy. Matteo competed against professional bartenders from around the world … Continue reading
Martin Miller’s Comp Winner Announced
An up and coming mixologist is toasting his success after taking the top prize at a prestigious gin cocktail competition in London last week. Matteo Vanzi, who can normally be found twirling his bottles at The Hide Bar in London, … Continue reading